Thursday, October 28, 2010

Prezi project

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Reflection essay

Reflection Essay
Sustainability in food production means that a company can keep making a product and shipping it out to stores without any issues such as more or less demand or money. This really relies on how the farmer’s fields are doing and the cost of all the things that go into making the base for the food. Also, it relies heavily on gas prices for these big ships and trucks to take this food out to the markets that will be selling them. In order for any company’s food production to remain stable and not dip down into the unstable region the makers of the food would need to keep the cycle of the food flowing at the same rate. His means that there needs to be food shipped at all times so that they can meet the demands of the buyers and sellers. It also helps if the makers of the food know if the consumers like what they’re getting and if they need to take away or modify a product. They have to make sure that one their food is safe, two they are beating their competitor’s prices and three that it completely satisfies the want of the consumer so they are more likely to continue to sell their product. A smart choice for me as a smart consumer would be to go organic but the problem I see with it and so do many other people is that organic food is expensive because it’s harder and more expensive to make then big corporations making the same thing but non organically. I would like to go organic I think it would help out our eco system and also help my body be more healthy. I think that organic food would be smarter for everyone to eat and a lot of people would if they had the money. What doesn’t seem right to me and surprised me is that the less healthy food like McDonalds and other fast food is cheaper than the healthy food like fruits and vegetables. It’s almost like we as a country are encouraging the bad habits to our citizens and our trying to make people fat. Why I used to ask is this fatty, non nutritional food less expensive well it’s because of how each are made. This fatty food that most of America loves does seem more appetizing then an apple or banana and it’s also cheaper. This is because the food that is bad for you can be mass produced for a cheaper price and in shorter time then it takes to grow fruits and vegetables. There are large farms where cows are fed corn to make them larger so they can get more meet out of them quicker. Now this doesn’t seem as right but its how it’s done now a days and I don’t like it. Cows should be eating grass that’s how they were made to eat grass not corn.  I think that if people where more aware that they weren’t eating what they thought they were eating they would go organic. They wouldn’t try to save that extra buck they would go to eat the things that were made naturally not things that were made in a lab. Something that really surprised me is the red tomatoes that we all know aren’t red when they are shipped here. Someone picks them in another country then they are green and ships them with a chemical injected into them and when they get here they are nice and red. You’re eating half tomato half chemical that’s not right. There are some real problems with the way meat is made today non- organically. In many farms out west cows stand knee deep in their own waste before they get slaughtered. This contaminates that cow and everything that cow touches including other cows. This is a scary thought to me I really don’t want to be eaten a steak that has been contaminated with waste. It kind of makes me worried about what else I don’t know about my food. Something that really needs to be taken into consideration is the diseases that are being spread throughout this “better” or faster way to produce food. There are 61 deaths from E-coli annually and yet we can’t even speak out against these corporations without the chance of being sued. It’s just wrong that someone can get sued just for saying that they don’t like a certain brand of food from any type of company. With more chemicals and hormones and other growth effecting drugs added to these animals this increases room for disease. Corn is cheaper to feed cows but it’s also more risky because when a cow eats corn instead of the natural grass it’s suppose to it has a greater risk to contain a disease in that cow and everything that cow touches. After my recent findings on these new ways to make food, I would definitely choose to make changes in my diet. Instead of eating that double cheese burger from mc Donald’s that tastes so good maybe I’ll go for something organic that won’t hurt my body in the long run. Because even though that double cheese burger taste really good right then my body is going to pay for it later. Also, I would much rather drink organic milk than the whole milk with growth hormones in it. Who wants to drink milk with a bunch of things added to it? I would much rather drink the milk that came straight from the cow. It’s healthier and I know that cow was treated right and grown up how a cow was meant to be grown with grass. To think that if you asked me if I would rather eat organic a month ago I probably would have said no. But now that I’ve learned about these things done to the animals the bad conditions they live in and the things done to the food I definitely would.

Food Journal Map

20931 miles traveled by truck at 7 miles per gallon and each gallon costing $2.819 for a total of  $8429.21 in gas

13084 miles traveled by cargo ship at 28 feet per gallon and each gallon costing $2.819 for a total of
$6955230 in gas

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Food Journal

BREAKFAST every day
cinnamon toast crunch. Rutters whole milk

LUNCH everyday
Castle Wood Turkey, Baker's and Chef's Cheese, Great value wheat bread, Natures ripe strawberries from New Jersey, pepperridge goldfish, gatorade.

10/4 ---- Barilla speghetti noodles, prego speghetti sauce, Great value wheat bread, Sprite
10/5----- Top Ramen noodles
10/6-----  Kraft macaroni and cheese
10/7-----Top Ramen noodles
 10/4 ate Goldfish
10/5  ate goldfish
10/6 ate ramen noodles
10/7 ate gold fish

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Purple: Balto Slavic
Green: Germanic
Blue: italic
Yellow: Celtic
Blue and red:   Hellenic
Green and black: Indo Iranian

Podcast summary

An Iranian man in high power talked badly about people in a political meeting.  A lot of people said that he brought shame to his country by saying this since his is of high importance. Government Conservatives are talking bad to his chief executives this may be why he is so mean.
An ancient tribe of natives were discovered in the northern most parts of the world. A reporter is going to live with them for a year. This is the last tribe of hunter gatherer languages. It is predicted that in 10-15 years they will have to move in with society and adapt do to global warming.

Foreign language films popularity is dwindling. They are sometimes watched but don’t make as much money as they use to. It is claimed that because of the ability to watch movies on the internet that these movies aren’t being watched as much.

In India there is a language called Urdu. In Urdu go straight and turn right are the same words. Also today and tomorrow are the same words. One family kept getting directions in Urdu mixed up so they had to read them in English.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/11 affects on air travel

Brenden Hutton
Quasay multani

The 9/11 attacks had a tremendous affect on air travels both nationally and internationally. This one attack on the United States cause two wars (Afghanistan and Iraq), caused security to go up in a reasonable amount in America and in other countries, and it caused a shift in perspective of how Americans see themselves with the rest of the world. When one is asked about 9/11 they often picture the planes crashing into the twin towers but what people forget to see is the aftermath on air travel and the security measures the government will take to ensure a tragic event like that will not ever happen again.

Security has dramatically increased after the 9/11 attacks. Before 9/11 passengers were allowed to bring knives on the airplanes now security will detained someone if they bring something like lighter fluid. To better understand this, a person needs to see the way America viewed itself before the 9/11 attacks. According to a 2002 review of FAA records the prohibited airspace protecting the White House is violated at least 85 times between the years 1992-2000. Many people ask what was the punishment for those pilots who violated the air space and the answer is all they received was a letter of warning. This obviously states that America’s security was not up to date during the pre 9/11 years.

Now when a plane violates the airspace of the White House all residents in the Washington D.C. area including the president are immediately evacuated and they might even send in fighter jets. Security scans everything in your possession that you bring to the airport including all files on a laptop. Security has become so high that pilots are allowed to carry small arms with them in the plane. Security was not the only thing that changed after the 9/11 attacks; other things like how to get a Visa has changed and airport policies as well.

Although the Visa policy itself did not change but the way to obtain one were more intensified. As part of a way to enhance travel security protocol certain administrative procedures related to the visa insurance and entry at the U.S Border were implemented. Non participants of the VWP (Visa Waiver Program) were subjected to an additional layer of processing that to those who were part of VWP. However the new security protocol did not discourage immigration from the Non- VWP countries.

The airlines were already in financial trouble during the time of 9/11 due to the recession and the attacks seriously caused a financial problem for the industry. The government quickly responded giving them an aid package of 15 billion (5 billion in short term and 10 in billion loan guarantees). September 11, 2001 continues to have a strong influence on the air travel industry. Some airlines did not survive the financial wreckage immediately after 9/11 - most laid off workers.

Two major airlines, US Airways and United, filed for bankruptcy but the 9/11 attacks were only a part of their decline. US Airways, which had emerged from bankruptcy, filed again in 2004. The 15 billion dollar aid package as mentioned earlier in the report only had limited affects on the airlines.

The 9/11 attacks also affected the air industry by affecting the tourists that come to America every year. However, the 9/11 attacks reverberated all around the world but the global level affects it had on tourism and the United States were thought to be minor.

The 9/11 attacks also indirectly created the no fly list in America. The no fly list is a list of names of people the government do not want on the airplanes. Many people like the ACLU believe the no fly lists are unconstitutional because it treats someone guilty without a trial and it also deprives them of their freedoms without due process. The government keeps the names of the no fly list very confidential so one can only assume that they are on the list.

The ACLU were so outraged by the idea of having a list of that type they filed a law suit against the TSA. Green v. TSA was brought on behalf of "false positive" passengers who had no method of resolving problems even after they had been cleared for flight. The result of the case was that congress passed new laws that tells the TSA to maintain their list in an orderly manner and to anyone who thinks their name is on the list they can appeal it.

"Frequently Asked Questions About the "No Fly List"" American Civil Liberties Union. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.
"ACLU Challenges Government No Fly List." American Civil Liberties Union. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.
"Air Traffic - NextGen Briefing." FAA: Home. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.
2013, By. "Travel Facts and Statistics | U.S. Travel Association." U.S. Travel Association. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>.
H.R. Rep. No. RL31617. Print.The Economic Effects of 9/11: A Retrospective Assessment
America. DHS. Department of Homeland Security | Preserving Our Freedoms, Protecting America. Web. 08 Sept. 2010. <>

picture taken from public media wikimedia commons

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Globaization- The proccess by which a company, ect, expands to operate internationally.
“This is a very exciting time in the world of information. It's not just that the personal computer has come along as a great tool. The whole pace of business is moving faster. Globalization is forcing companies to do things in new ways.”
Culture-  the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group “Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, of love, and of thought, which, in the coarse or centuries, have enabled man to be less enslaved”
Civilization- an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached.
“A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on an installment plan.”
History- a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account
“History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”
Progress- a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher “Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow”