Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Question 10

I learned more things in this semester then i have learned ever. This semester was packed with my favorite time periods and my favorite topics. The middle ages are the best. Even though i have been studying middle ages since i was in the thirdgrade i still learned soooooooo much. Also, i never knew any of the information before the middle ages till this year. Rome was extremly interesting. The best part about this year was that i actually liked learning about this history. It was taught at a more interesting and more eye opening way. It wasn't a boring history lesson it was an active class discussion and i loved it. Mr Wojo thank you and you will be missed. See you at PENSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

question 9

Leonardo de vinci is a renaissance man. He could paint, sculpt, invent, and pretty much everything else. He was a mathematician and a scientist he wrote music. This guy could do it all.  He painted the famous painting of the last supper. He invented the schematics for a hand glider. Leonardo also wrote songs. He truly is a renaissance man.
Thats not all Leonardo did. People respected him for everything he did. He may of seemed crazy too some but his inventions led up to the modern day inventions we have today. If he hadn't invented the hand glider we wouldn't have the helicopter. and he also invented things that led up to the modern day tank. Leonardo de vinci is the deffinition of Renaissance man.

Question 8

Romanesque Cathedrals were all about protection and how god will protect you in times of need. These cathedrals had very little windows and where built think and for protection. When getting attacked the village could flee to the cathedral for protection. The cathedrals where sturdy and strong.

Gothic cathedrals where all about letting the light into your life. These cathedrals had huge windows to let light in. There belief was that god is wonderful and you should depend on him for everything not just protection. These cathedrals where more designed not so much thick and strong but elgeant and elaberate.

Question 7

The black death was a plague that wiped out most of the European population. It is said to of come from flees on rats on boats of supply ships. It caused most of the people of Europe to hide and  be fearful thus becoming weaker and weaker till it wiped out most of the population.

The black plague caused nose bleeds, tumors in the groin and armpits, Black spots covered the body, it often killed within three days. Some techniecs used to help with the plague where leaches, amputation, herbal remedies, and witch doctors.

If the black plague hit the US every medical student, teacher and scientist would be working furiously for a cure. Just as we are for cancer. The people of the US would be fearful and probably stay away from others. Some would flee the states if they had money. people would do everything they could to get away from it. People would be fearful, people would be scared and some people wouldn't know what to do. But, scientist would probably find a cure eventually.

question 6

I am not the bad guy here. This is my land that you are taking. It is muslim holy land to. We allow you to take pilgrimages here why do you attack my people? Why do you slaughter 3000 of my men? did i not let your people live inside my city? Saladin is not a bad evil ruler.

I am the saladin. I do not want to fight. But if you come into my land i will have no choice. This is our prophets land as well as your holy land. We should live in peace not destroy our holy land. The muslims do not want trouble we just want peace and to preserve the holy land. We are not the bad guys.

question 6

                      "do not do dope help the pope."

               " Heart of a lion strength of a bear"
"Saladin aint no paladin"

Question 5

The roman empire started as a small village just as america started as a small colony. The roman empire eventually grew into the large empire that it was just as the united states has. At the time the roman empire was the strongest power in the world and america is one of the strongest powers in the world. Despite the many years apart The Roman Empire and The US are equivalents. The roman empire and the US are different.


question 4

Herodotus writes down everything and Thucydides writes not as much down but gets better information. This article follows Herodotus's style. the author of this article wrote down all the facts about this man who was found. He wrote down a lot of facts and everything the reporter found out they wrote it down. This follows Herodotus's style.   Jim dawyer wrote down only the most important facts for this article. He didn't write everything that he could find he picked out the good facts and put them in which follows Thucydides .

question 3

The Egyptians believed that once your dead your spirit or "ka" stays around with your body. They believe that when we die our ka has to be weighed with the feather of maat. If your ka weighed more then the feather you where damned for eternity if your ka was less or even with the feather you would pass on to forever resting place of peace.

 The Greeks believe that the moment you die your spirit leaves your body in a little breath. The Greeks had elaborate burial techniechs. They would do all kinds of body preparation then put you in a high bed in your house for people to pay your respects. Greeks thought very highly of death and they did not see it as a very sad time. they were sad for the passing but they were happy for there eternal resting.

question 2

View Neolithic revolution in a larger map

The neolithic age made people not have to follow game anymore they could settle down and farm. This caused lots of farmers to settle together so they could watch one anothers fields.  This is how cities where started.  But as
Stone Age peoples became more adept at cultivating a growing range of crops,
including protein-rich legumes such as peas and beans, various fruits, and
olives, the effort they expended on activities outside agriculture diminished. (R. A. Guisepi)

The land has grown dry from the heat. It is unfarmable and we cannot gather crops. We are left to hunting and  gathering once again and this isn't working because the animals are dying from lack of food. we are hungry and we are weak. We are in need of a miracle. 

If this ever happened int the future people would be in serious trouble. Without farming nobody would be able to get there fruits, vegetables, or there animals.  Everyone would be in trouble without farming we cannot return to our old hunter gatherer ways because all the animals have been forced out of there homes due to construction. 

question 1