Thursday, January 27, 2011

2ND Daily

No modern life is not alway better then in the past. In the past every thing was cheaper. Just look at gas prices 3.05 a gallon and raising constantly. Also, other things such as gold, silver, other metals, cloths, and food have gone up tremendously. The "in" cloths cost $20 a shirt and not everyone has that kind of money. The jeans and pants everyone wears follow about the same price. Even movie tickets have gone up in price. $14 dollars for a movie ticket that is insane. 50 years ago u could get into movies and pay 50 cents. However, i am not saying that the present does not have its good parts to it. i love my new video games. i love my cell phone. I think it is amazing how in a blink of an eye you can send a message from one side of the planet to the other side threw an email that just amazes me. Another good thing about the modern day is the new machines we have for keeping people alive in hospitals. I mean if someone can take a bullet from twenty feet away in the head and still live that is one amazing feat. With modern day science that is not impossible. I guess the point that i am getting at is any time of age weather it be past present or future there will never be any "better" age all ages have their ups and their downs. It will be tis way forever.


  1. Please be sure to keep up to date with your dailies and weeklies. Remember: Dailies due Mon through Thurs (250 words min) and Weeklies due Fri (assignments vary and can be found on the wiki).

  2. I really like this daily. You brought up some really good points such as rising costs. You showed both sides of the argument very well.

  3. Very nice blog post. You could probably bring class subjects into this post more than you did. Relate things to other things we learn in our class. But other than that, great job.
