Friday, January 21, 2011

Question one of Human Geo final

the sudden dip on the graph is when the overseas arivals stop coming as much. Around 2001 less people where coming overseas. Statistics give data to explain events. Without data you have nothing to back up what you say. When looking at aids in Africa we used lots of data to educate ourselves on the reasons for it being there and how many people had it also how fast it was spreading.

1 comment:

  1. i do have writing its just not showing up

    the sudden dip on the graph is when the overseas arivals stop coming as much. Around 2001 less people where coming overseas. Statistics give data to explain events. Without data you have nothing to back up what you say. When looking at aids in Africa we used lots of data to educate ourselves on the reasons for it being there and how many people had it also how fast it was spreading.
