Monday, February 28, 2011

Week 6 daily 1

Alexander the great created his own myth during his trip. This myth that alexander the great created started at Bodrum. Alexander the great saw that the Persian fleet was much greater than his so he dismissed his fleet and went to take out Persia’s greatest sea port. The Persian’s where ready for Alexander the great when he arrived however. They were inside their gates with an army ready for battle. Alexander surrounded them and threw the course of the battle it looked like alexander would be defeated. But when Bodrum sent in their mercenaries to take out the army the veteran Macedonians showed up and wiped them out forcing them back into the city. This led to the end of the battle where Alexander showed some of the early signs of his self-created myth. Another event that happed is when alexander the great visited a great oracle at Didyma. The oracle when Alexander the great arrived told him that he had been waiting for him and that Apollo said that he could be the son of god. After defeating the Persian’s this was when the oracle made another announcement that Alexander the great was definitely the son of god and that Apollo said so himself. Also, another event that helped create this myth of Alexander the great being the son of a god was the Gordian knot. There are two different stories to the Gordian knot the one I believe is when Alexander arrived at the temple in Gordium and saw the ox cart that had been placed there by King of Phrygia over 100 years before, he became frustrated with it. The knot was said that whoever untied it would be king of all Asia. Alexander had to untie this to prove to his troops the invasion was possible. The knot was put around the shaft of the ox cart and the ends were on the inside. Now legend has it that alexander became frustrated with the knot so he drew his sword and cut the knot open revealing the ends. That night a lightning storm hit proving that Alexander was the son of Zeus. Threw all three of these events everyone who lived at this time period believed that Alexander was the son of a god. This is the myth that alexander created for himself.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

week 5 daily 4

The answer to could a force like Alexander the great’s exist today is yes it could. However, a force like alexander the greats in this time period could not achieve what alexander the greats did. Alexander the great didn’t have the largest army. The largest army existed in Persia. What Alexander the great had was a smart and loyal army that listen to the great tactician Alexander the great.  We do have forces like alexander the greats now. We have smart forces that are specialized teams that win a lot of battles. The U.S. doesn’t have the largest army in world but we achieve great wins and are considered a great power in the world. But this is not because we are huge like the Persian army. The reason we win is because we are more like Alexander the great, we have great strategy and the right amount of troops to get it done. So getting back on topic to the question, asking could a force like alexander the great’s exist today is like asking could a smart well led army exist today and the answer is yes. The reason we can’t achieve what his army achieved is because of the advancement in technology. It’s not as easy to march up into a country and say this is mine give it to me now. If we do that that could spark the end of humanity. We would have one of the greatest wars ever to be fought. There would be lots of casualties due to the nuclear bomb. Alexander’s army was great because of strategy not because of size.

week 5 daily 3

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

week 5 daily 2

I believe strongly that Alexander the great did feel like he was avenging Persian wrongs. I believe this for a couple of reasons. One reason is that Alexander the great was a man that showed great leadership and great appreciation for Greece and the people of Greece. Alexander the great cared too much about the honor of himself his father and his influences the fallen commanders of troy that died in the Trojan war at troy. Alexander the great would not disgrace the honor of all the men that were so important to him before he was in power. Alexander the great was obviously very smart if he conquered the whole Persian Empire so I am sure he thought this through as well. Alexander the great had to of thought about what the Persians had done to his country and his fellow Greek people and been furious and wanted to restore their honor in defeating the enemies who had been there 150 years ago the Persian Empire. So no this was not some propaganda to make his goal of conquest. This was a feat of strength and restoration of honor. Alexander the great restores the honor of Greece and the Greeks and sends a message to everyone else that The Greeks are the strongest power and that nothing will take their honor away from them. In my opinion Alexander the great may have been the most impressive and smartest and honorable war general and tactician of all time. He is truly someone who should be remembered and recognized as a man of Greece.

week five daily 1

People lead others when they feel like they will have a good influence and they feel they have good leadership and good followers. Leadership also comes with power so if you have power you usually lead. Take the olden days for example, Alexander the great was just 19 when his father died and he gained power. When you look at a 19 year old you don’t think of a massive leader. So leadership really isn’t defined by age it can be but usually isn’t. Power usually influences leadership if you have power like the 19 year old king alexander the great then you have loyal followers and your set to be a leader. Now as I was saying age can influence leadership such as your mother and father. Your mother and father are older then you and have leadership over you when they say to do something like clean up your room you have to do it because they are in charge. Also, popularity can influence leadership if you are popular among a people they will most likely follow what you say and do what you do thus making you a leader. Leadership really only needs people that want to be leaded and will follow what they are led to do. But being a leader is very different from the fact of being a good leader. You can have a leader with the most followers most power and he can be a bad leader. The difference between the two are the choices they make as leaders.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Weekly 4

Outline Scene one is an introduction if I make this longer it will relate to an idea that I have for a later time but I am out of time to write more. Scene 2 Is when Alcibiades is trialed and has to come back with the ship but sails to Sparta and tells of their plans in anger. Scene three is going to be a big fight scene with two major battles when they first land and when the reinforcements arrive
Scene 1:
This scene starts out with Neocles, the main character of this story, Neocles was wandering in the streets of Athens and came across a little clearing where there where many gamblers
Neo: Good day to you my brother of Athens
Gambler: G’day Brother got any coins
Neo:  Aye what’s the name of the game?
Gambler: It’s a new game with dice
Neo: describe this new game (interested)
Gambler:  Its rather simple really all you do is roll the dice but role higher than me
Neo: Okay lets play (Determined to win)
Neocles has a severe gambling problem and is fairly good at it which is not very helpful in the time of plague. Often times he will go out wandering looking for a place to gamble instead of protecting himself from the plague.
Gambler: Aye let us play you roll first and what you roll I must beat. (with a sinister look on his face)
Neo: (rolling the dice) Hoho I have rolled a solid 6 good luck beating that my good friend
Gambler:  Lucky roll (rolls a 3)
Neo: alas good brother I believe I have won this roll
Gambler: that you did my friend shall we play for real now
Neo: Yes lets (drops a bag of coins on the table and pulls out his die)
Gambler: let’s say we wager 1 drachma
Neo: sounds good shall we roll?
Gambler: yes let’s I’ll go first (rolls die)
Neo: very nice a 4 my turn (rolls die)
Gambler: whaaaaaaaat? Another 6?
Neo: yes how bout we up the wager to 10 drachma
Gambler: sounds like a bet
Again Neocles and the gambler keep paying till the gambler is down to his last drachma
Gambler: well my friend it looks like you have run me dry
Neo: that I have I must be going now
Gambler: do you take me for a fool
Neo: I know not what you speak of                                
Gambler: your die sir
Neo: what of it?
Gambler: it is enchanted to only role 6’s (anger in his eyes)
Neo: No it is only my lucky day that is all
Gambler: no sir u have played me like a fool
Neo: Ok ok I have played you for a fool but on this note I must bid you ado
Neocles has used a loaded die to trick the gambler and win all his money now Neocles takes off with the gambler chasing him through the city Neocles finds a low roofed building to jump onto and hide.
Gambler: WHERE ARE YOU BOY!!!!!!!!!!! I know you’re here. Come out come out where ever you are.
After some time the gambler leaves to return home. Neo looks around and notices many people are looking ill he asks a nearby man what is going on
Neo: Excuse me sir but what is wrong with everybody in this district
Odd Looking old man: Shipment brought back plague
Neo: oh no I must get out of here
Odd looking old man: its only a matter of time before it reaches everyone
Neo: excuse me sir but what is your name
Odd Looking old man: My name is Socrates I walk around preaching my ideas to others. I am a philosopher
Neo: what you are is crazy
Neocles takes off not realizing that this man was not crazy at all rather he was a critical thinker and would impact everyone

Scene 2:
The Athenians get a message from an ally in Sicily asking for help from the Spartan allies the Syracuse. The Athenians decide they will send 50000 men to assist their allies and expand their land and power. The Spartans prepare their fleet and men but the night before they are supposed to take off for Sicily someone vandalizes the whole city and crushes the statues if front of peoples houses.
Neo: someone vandalizes the whole city and yet we still sail?
Random Athenian: The senators will deal with that we must invade Sicily
Neo: Fair enough but who could have done such a thing?
RA: Nobody knows we just need to keep our heads strait and continue to Sicily.
Neo: Yes sir
About a month later in their journey a messenger ship reaches is addressed to Alcibiades one of the generals of the expedition
Messenger: I bring a message from the senators of Athens in the absence of Alcibiades we held a trial for the vandal of the statues
Messenger: I regret to inform you that you have been found guilty by a trial of your fellow Athenians and you are to come back with us
Alcibiades: Very well if I am too be accused of this act then I would not fight or lead for Athens any way men you are all dedicated and hard workers I wish all of you good luck
Neo: ALCEBIADES has Athens lost their minds? How will we win without his leadership?
What the Athenians don’t know is that through his anger Alcibiades rides to Sparta to warn them of the attack
Alcibiades: Good Spartans it appears that 50000 Athenians sea towards Sicily to take out your allies
Spartan leader: How do we know what your saying is true?
Alcibiades: Because I was the leader of the expedition until I was betrayed by my city
Spartan leader: Very well assemble a few very fast messenger ships to war the Syracuse and tell them to assemble
Scene 3:
The Spartans land on Sicily and are ambushed they have no idea how the Syracuse knew they would land there but the Syracuse had them pinned
Neo: What is our strategy for this battle?
RA: We don’t know the generals are arguing
Neo: well what are we supposed to do
RA: we charge!!!!
Neo doesn’t like the idea of charging in aimlessly so he goes and talks to the generals
Neo: what is the plan general?
General: we must hold them off till our reinforcements arrive
Neo: Yes sir General
The battle rages on the Athenians are getting crushed and when the reinforcements arrive they still get demolished and the entire Spartan army is destroyed

Friday, February 18, 2011

Daily/Weekly 3

My make your own language daily was emailed to me late and was on Konnor Drewens blog also my monolith weekly i also did with konnor but i cannot get the picture to show up. We did do it together though.

Uuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnn= over
Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh= sun
Oooooooooooooooooooah= long
Uuuuuuuuahhhhhhhhhhhhh= moves
Puuuh= not
Uuuuuuuhhhhhhh   Uuuuuuaaaaaahhhhhhh HUUUH Aaaaaahhhhhhh Uuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Ooooooooooooooooah KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIK.  Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh  Puuuh Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HUUUUH Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh Uuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Oooooooooooooooooooah KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIK.