Thursday, February 24, 2011

week 5 daily 4

The answer to could a force like Alexander the great’s exist today is yes it could. However, a force like alexander the greats in this time period could not achieve what alexander the greats did. Alexander the great didn’t have the largest army. The largest army existed in Persia. What Alexander the great had was a smart and loyal army that listen to the great tactician Alexander the great.  We do have forces like alexander the greats now. We have smart forces that are specialized teams that win a lot of battles. The U.S. doesn’t have the largest army in world but we achieve great wins and are considered a great power in the world. But this is not because we are huge like the Persian army. The reason we win is because we are more like Alexander the great, we have great strategy and the right amount of troops to get it done. So getting back on topic to the question, asking could a force like alexander the great’s exist today is like asking could a smart well led army exist today and the answer is yes. The reason we can’t achieve what his army achieved is because of the advancement in technology. It’s not as easy to march up into a country and say this is mine give it to me now. If we do that that could spark the end of humanity. We would have one of the greatest wars ever to be fought. There would be lots of casualties due to the nuclear bomb. Alexander’s army was great because of strategy not because of size.

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