Friday, April 29, 2011

Cathedrals Final draft

Romanesque and Gothic Cathedrals played a huge part on life in the early years of European life. However, even though they were both cathedrals they meant two different things and where made for different purposes. The Romanesque and Gothic Cathedrals where two like buildings that were completely different. Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals represented two different views on theological belief, Romanesque believed that God would hold up and defend them, Gothics believed that God would bring light to their lives; these theological differences are expressed` in architecture. Romanesque and Gothic Cathedrals did not mean anything about theology.
            The Romanesque and Gothic Cathedrals exterior structures where very different. Romanesque cathedrals where all about defense with no low lying windows and thick walls no big windows either (figure 1). In the gothic cathedrals we see a much different structure with low lying windows and big windows along with very thin walls (figure 1-1). The Romanesque cathedrals where built this way because of the belief that god will bring them protection against their enemies or sin.  The Gothic Cathedrals focused in on how God brings light to the world. There was no need for the extra layers of wall thin walls made the church blend with its elegant windows. Also, both types of cathedrals where very large because they were central points of the civilization.
            The interior structures of the cathedrals also where very different. On the Romanesque cathedral side we had large heavy pillars on the inside and dark filled corridors (Figure 2). On the gothic side of this idea we have beautiful elegant stained glass windows along with thin divine artistic looking pillars (figure 2-1). This meant that the Romanesque Cathedrals focused more on how god will support us and hold up the heavy burdens of our lives.  The Gothic cathedrals focused in on how god brings beauty to the world. Also, The Gothic cathedrals really dial in on expressing their compassion for all God has done for them by being more expressive in their architecture.
            Also the two Cathedrals where looked at and used for different purposes. In the Romanesque Cathedrals we have a garrison looking structure used for protection where their city could retreat in times of need (figure 3). In the Gothic Cathedrals they are looked at more of a celebratory building. Used to really honor the mighty God they served(structure 3-1).  The Romanesque Cathedrals where heavily fortified making them for great sources for protection. The Gothic Cathedrals were very bright and very colorful setting the atmosphere to praise God in. Also, The Romanesque Cathedrals where hard to breech so it was ideal to take cover there.
            Romanesque and Gothic Cathedrals; two completely different structures that look incredibly similar. One used to celebrate God. The other was used to protect the city from siege. Romanesque and Gothic Cathedrals represent different spiritual beliefs.  Both however, Are magnificent structures built through history.

Figure 1

Figure 1-1

figure 2
figure 2-1

Figure 3
Figure 3-1

Figure 1 Abazia di San Vittore (Genga), façade, 11th century photo taken in 2006
Figure 2 Mainz Cathedral, interier, 12th century photo taken in 2006
Figure 3 The Tower of London, façade, 11th century  Photo taken in 2004
Figure 1-1 Ripon Cathedral, façade, 7th century photo taken in 2006
Figure 2-1 Chapter House at York Minster, interior, photo taken in 2003
Figure 3-1 Bad Doberan Münster, interior, phot taken in 2006

1 comment:

  1. Really nice job here. Clear writing and a straightforward argument.

    A couple things could improve this into a top-notch essay. For example, you write: "On the gothic side of this idea we have beautiful elegant stained glass windows along with thin divine artistic looking pillars (figure 2-1). This meant that the Romanesque Cathedrals focused more on how god will support us and hold up the heavy burdens of our lives." And that is a very excellent observation; the needed tweak, however, is in re-phrasing so that you don't use the personal pronoun "our". One of the reasons we do not want personal pronouns is so that we do not accidentally make assumptions about who the reader is.
