Friday, April 8, 2011

Stoicism Final draft

Stoicism is a philosophy of life. In Stoicism people control their emotions and stop their feelings so they can stay focused. If someone falls in battle Stoics must stay focused so they don’t face the same fate. Emotions are distractions and in Stoicism those distractions are eliminated. Stoicism is a belief that when faced with hardships emotions are controlled and are restrained from taking over; events surrounding Seneca's death are perfect illustrations of Stoicism in action. But, Seneca did show some signs of weakness in his Stoicism and at times wasn't a very good model.
 “At the same time he called them back from their tears to manly resolution, now with friendly talk, and now with the sterner language of rebuke. "Where," he asked again and again, "are your maxims of philosophy, or the preparation of so many years' study against evils to come?” (Tacitus) This quote basically says don’t feel sad for Seneca because our philosophy tells us they don’t need to get emotional about evils. Seneca is trying to make his friends realize that even though he will pass they need to stay focused and concentrate on the future not to weep over the past. Seneca is setting the example of Stoicism into his friends.
 "He had no reason," he said, for "preferring the interest of any private citizen to his own safety, and he had no natural aptitude for flattery. No one knew this better than Nero, who had oftener experienced Seneca's free spokenness than his servility." When the tribune reported this answer in the presence of Poppaea and Tigellinus, the emperor's most confidential advisers in his moments of rage, he asked whether Seneca was meditating suicide.(tacitus)” Seneca is speaking his mind. He has no feelings towards the men sent after him he just spoke to them his mind. He didn’t believe what Nero was doing so he spoke out against it like he did many times before. Stoics are not afraid of consequences they have no emotion. Seneca is the ideal example of this.
“Seneca, quite unmoved, asked for tablets on which to inscribe his will” (Tacitus) This quote shows real life proof of Stoicism. Seneca was told he was to be put to death but didn’t show emotion or feeling from this at all. Seneca was unmoved the quote says Seneca is going to die and is more focused on writing his will then begging to live. He blocks out emotion and feeling and is able to stay focused.           

Stoicism isn’t just an attitude; Stoicism is a way of life. This change in stoic’s attitudes makes their lives completely different. Seneca used this as a way to keep his mind focused. Seneca did not show emotion throughout his entire execution. He showed no sign of weakness and gave the “bad guys” no satisfaction that he would break to their accusations.  Stoicism is summed by saying no emotion no feeling through any circumstances; Seneca is the perfect and ideal model of Stoicism.

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