Wednesday, March 16, 2011

daily 3 week 7

The struggle of the orders in ancient Rome was directly influential on the later roman political system. In order to understand this I have to start by going over the struggle of the orders. The struggle of the orders was the way the political legal system was set up at first. In this system the senate was only occupied by the higher class of patricians or aristocrats. The lower class of plebeians was not involved in this at all.  However, the aristocrats made the laws in the senate and passed them without the Plebes in mind. There for the Plebes could not be in the senate but were directly affected by the laws passed by the senate. The Plebes did not like how the senate was run so they protested it. The conflict caused and uprising almost to the point where there was a civil war. Nobody wants to go to war so the Plebes and the aristocrats got together and discussed solutions. The solution they came up with that became the political system was still a senate, but it created a highly influential position for one Plebe. This Plebe would be in the senate and had a unique power. He could veto, or deny, proposals by the senate that would affect the Plebes negatively. This made the Plebes more satisfied and calmed the protest. At this time the Plebes where given a large power amongst the senate and now had great power for one of the first times. Both the Plebes and the patricians where satisfied with the agreement. 

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