Thursday, March 17, 2011

daily 4 week 7

Hannibal, or in his language to his people known as hanba’al, was born in Carthage ,the main seaport of the large Mediterranean sea, in 247 B.C.  His father was the general of Carthage’s army and his name was Hamilcar Barca. At this time Carthage and Rome where mortal enemies after the Romans had beaten them in the first Punic war and took Sicily. Hannibal’s father, Hamilcar, raised Hannibal to despise the Romans with the intensity in all his heart.  When Hannibal was only six he had to take a blood pact to be mortal enemies and general rivals of Rome for the rest of his life. Hannibal kept this pact with him his whole life. In 218 B.C. he took a massive army into southern Spain who would travel over numerous mountain ranges including the Alps with war elephants. Hannibal marched strait around Rome down the eastern side of Italy and then came around the tip and headed North straight for Rome and at the battle of Cannae he defeated Rome.  Hannibal did deserve his title as a monster. He massacred towns and showed no mercy on the Romans. He crushed them leaving none alive. However, He really had no choice this was how he was raised. Just like how we learn to tie our shoes from our parents, Hannibal learned to hate the Romans from his father. You really can’t blame the Romans for calling him a monster and treating him like one and you especially can’t blame Hannibal for the way he acts because nobody taught him different this was Hannibal this was who he was. my source

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good biography about Hannibal. Some other things that you could have written about though is what we learned in class. Here is also another link that could have been useful
