The Julio-Claudians were not all as bad as historians make them seem. However, a couple of the Julio-Claudians made their name disgraced and laughed upon. Possibly one of the craziest, most out of his mind, worst of the Julio-Claudians was Nero. Nero was so crazy and delusional that he set his own city of fire, which is known as the great fire. Nero stood atop the wall and played the fiddle or sang portions of the ilium while the city around him burned. After the city was burned, Nero blamed the Christians and as a result of this had the Christians prosecuted and thrown into lions dens to become eaten. He also got into an argument with his mother. Nero wanted to get a divorce but his mother would not let them. He got into a big argument with her and then he had her killed. If all of this does not prove how crazy and out of his mind Nero was he thought his magistrates were plotting against him so he had them all assassinated. Each and every last one of them killed just because of his crazy thought. Claudius also was a crazy wako of a ruler. One of his enjoyed “activities” was chaining people up and throwing them off cliffs. He also was sick early on in his rule over Rome and never really did become sane after the incident. While the Julio-Claudians were not the nicest rulers they still had some contributions that were good but overall the Julio-Claudians were not mentally stable to be ruling an empire.
Good, I agree that Nero was crazy, but also there were other Julio-Claudian emperors that were not as crazy. Another thing is that I am pretty sure that Caligula threw people of cliffs not Claudius.